Magnificent Machines that go Vroom Vroom! Part 1
The Living Paintings
Suitable for: 5-7 years (Key stage 1), 7-11 years (Key stage 2), 11-14 years (Key stage 3)
Sponsored by: Underwood Trust
Available braille grades:
This collection contains painted tactile pictures taken from illustrations in Winnie the Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner by A A Milne. The audio guide does not tell the story but describes the raised images. It provides a wonderful springboard for the young person to read or listen to the classic stories for themselves. Perfect to inspire a love of reading for pleasure.
There is one large, smooth almost round shape I'm sure you will recognise from the story. Yes, the balloon, a lovely deep blue-coloured balloon.
Balloons are not, of course, hard like our plastic shape. They can be quite soft and you can make lovely squeaky noises when you rub them. Balloons also burst - usually with a loud BANG! On the left Christopher Robin is blowing up the balloon with all his might and puff, and holding on to the end really firmly otherwise the air will come vooooshing out and he will have to start all over again. It is a very serious matter.
Christopher Robin blowing up a balloon and Winnie the Pooh holding onto a balloon and Bumble Bees
Winnie the Pooh, Eeyore and Christopher Robin
Owl, Piglet and Eeyore, Kangeroo, and baby Kangeroo
The Living Paintings
Nick Butterworth
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