Library member Danni (pictured) talks about how she has benefitted from receiving our books. She asks others to consider leaving a legacy gift to help ensure we can continue to support more people like her in the future.
Why should you leave a gift in your will?
My name is Danni. I am blind and I benefit from receiving the lovely
Touch to See books from Living Paintings. I lost my sight when I was just 2 years old, so colours and pictures meant nothing to me as I was growing up and there were certainly no picture books available for me to enjoy and share with my brother and sister.
It was only when I was introduced to Living Paintings as an adult that my interest and appreciation of pictures began and what a difference this has made to my life. Living Paintings opened up a whole new world as I learnt to appreciate and visualize images. I now look forward to receiving my new book in the post and exploring the pictures through the wonderfully descriptive audios. All Touch to See collections I have received so far have filled many happy hours. My favourite is ‘British Birds and their Habitat’ and I take great pleasure in listening to and trying to recognise the different bird songs.
I consider myself immensely fortunate to have discovered this free service.
Living Paintings are totally dependent on voluntary donations. I would like to ask if you would consider leaving a gift to them in your Will.
How do I make arrangements to leave a gift in my will?
Making a Will is straightforward. Before you visit a solicitor or will-writing service, it’s worth putting together a list of your assets (what you own) and liabilities (what you owe), so you can work out what your estate is worth. This simple checklist is a good starting point and could save you time and money at your consultation.
Your Will is personal and may need review every few years with changing circumstances. You might choose to leave a specific amount of money to Living Paintings, or a proportion of your estate, once your family and friends have been looked after. You could choose to leave a particular item, such as jewellery or shares.
Having a Will isn’t a legal requirement, but it’s the only way to ensure that your estate is passed on to the people and charities that you want it to go to. Without a Will, it’s the legal system that will decide who receives what from your estate.
Other frequently asked questions
Is it expensive to make a will?
On average, it may cost between £80 and £200 to arrange a new Will, which is arguably a small price to pay for such an important document and for the peace of mind it brings. A well-written Will can help make sure your loved ones don’t pay any more Inheritance Tax than they need to, and can avoid any expensive legal complications later.
What is inheritance tax and how does it affect me?
Inheritance Tax is a tax that is charged on the portion of your estate that exceeds a certain level at the time of your death. A gift to charity in your Will could reduce your liability. The current IHT threshold (as of April 2020) is £325,000 or £650,000 for a married couple. If the value of your estate, including your home, is above this, you’ll have to pay the current 40% rate of IHT on that additional amount. Since 6 April 2012 however, your IHT rate will be cut to 36% if you leave at least 10% of your estate to a registered charity.
Everybody’s financial affairs are different, so we always recommend talking to your solicitor, will-writer or an independent financial advisor.
What if I want to change something?
It’s natural to change your mind. That’s why it’s important to regularly review your Will, to take into account any changes in your life and to account for current Inheritance Tax rules. If you’ve already made a Will, it’s easy to add a gift to a charity by using what’s called a ‘Codicil’ – to find out more, just ask your solicitor or will-writer.
What wording should I use to include a gift to Living Paintings in my Will?
We strongly recommend you have your Will drafted by a solicitor or professional will-writer to ensure your wishes are properly carried out.
Here are some examples you may find useful:
A Residuary Gift (the remains of your estate after any specific gifts have been distributed, and any debts have been paid):
“I give free of Inheritance Tax (…%) of the residue of my estate to The Living Paintings Trust…”
A Pecuniary Gift (a specific sum):
“I give free of Inheritance Tax the sum of …pounds to The Living Paintings Trust…”
Then follow with:
“…whose Registered Office is situated at Unit 8 Kingsclere Park, Kingsclere, Newbury, Berkshire, RG20 4SW (Registered Charity No: 1049103), for the general charitable purposes of the Association, and I declare that the receipt of an authorised official for the time being shall be a good discharge to my executors.”
I want to leave a gift to Living Paintings. What are the charity’s details?
The Living Paintings Trust
Unit 8 Kingsclere Park
RG20 4SW
A charity registered in England No: 1049103