The Stone Age - Books - Living Paintings

Living Paintings

The Stone Age

Written by The Living Paintings
Illustrated by The Living Paintings

Suitable for: 7-11 years (Key stage 2)

Sponsored by: St James' Place Foundation, The David Brooke Charity

Available braille grades:

This educational resource is designed to provide an atmospheric journey through the Stone Age and support the teaching and learning of the National Curriculum History at Key Stage 2. As well as drawing upon areas of the wider curriculum, it is great for home-schooling, homework-help, project work and independent learning.

We travel back in time to meet our very early ancestors, discover what life was like hunting and gathering food and find out about the wild animals that roamed the land. We discover how Stone Age people mastered the art of creating and using stone tools and find out more about the arts and crafts of these people through tactile pictures of artefacts such as cave paintings, jewellery, hand spindles, early textiles and musical instruments. We find out how to build a Mesolithic round house, take a tour of around a 5,000 year old house in the Neolithic village of Scara Brae and marvel upon the engineering genius of Stonehenge. The book is read by Sir Tony Robinson (Time Team), Dan Snow (TV presenter and historian) and Megan McCubbin (Zoologist and BBC SpringWatch presenter).

Listen to an audio clip

Most of what we know about the past is from the things people left behind, buried, in the ground under our feet. Our Stone Age ancestors were clever and skilled craftspeople who shared their knowledge of tool making with their families and other tribes. This knowledge was passed down from generation to generation and the tools were developed and improved throughout the Stone Age. They were often made of flint, a hard stone, lots of which can be found in some parts of the UK like Norfolk and the south of England.

In this tactile picture we include two more amazing mammals that occupied Britain in the Stone Age. The cave bear and the sabre tooth cat. Now these are ones that you would never want to come across as they were quite large and could be very fierce.

It had two huge upper teeth with an incredibly sharp edge for tearing through its prey. They were fierce and carnivorous predators and feasted upon large mammals such as the woolly mammoth.

What's inside

  • 12 raised tactile pictures.
  • Audio descriptions with music and sound effects in your chosen format of either CD or USB.
  • A large print colour image pack.
  • Guidance notes for parents and teachers to help you make the most of using this book.
  • An ‘Articles for the Blind’ returns label for the free and convenient return of the box.

Touch to see image list

Meet the Ancestors: Neolithic Woman with Bow and Arrow
Meet the Ancestors: Neolithic Man, Fishing
Meet the Ancestors: Foraging for Food
Searching for Clues: Stone Age Tool Kit
Searching for Clues: Stone Age Art and Design
Searching for Clues: Music and Leisure, Sounds of the Stone Age
Amazing Mammals: Steppe Bison
Amazing Mammals: Sabre Tooth Cat and Cave Bear
Amazing Mammal in Cave Paintings
Homes and Civilisation: Mesolithic Round House
Homes and Civilisation: Neolithic Village, Scara Brae
Homes and Civilisation: Stonehenge

What our members say

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Exciting and accurate It was exciting listening to all the facts about the Stone Age … it’s very accurate and gives you good information Young Library Member
Loved the tactile cave paintings The tactile descriptions are so good and we loved the tactile cave paintings. Parent
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