This educational resource is a wonderful guide to astronomy and space for children, as it also comes with a story book. Let us take you on an amazing journey. We’ll start with a planet hop through the Solar System. We’ll find out about space debris in the form of a meteor and comet. We’ll dive into the swirling arms of The Milky Way. Gazing up at the Night Sky, we’ll learn about the fiery birth of a star. Then we’ll explore the stars that fill the sky and their amazing patterns. This fact and story book may support subjects in the National Curriculum and could be used as an educational resource in class. Also good for home-schooling, homework-help, project work, independent learning and reading for pleasure.
A picture book is also included, Star Seeker by Theresa Heine and Victor Tavares. It’s a beautifully illustrated story about the planets and the stars. Includes two tactile pictures and there is a section at the back of the book called Explore Space, this is included in Braille on clear plastic sheets and also read out on the audio guide.
Listen to an audio clip
Long ago people looked at the night sky, picked out certain stars and joined them together in their minds to make patterns. These patterns are what we call constellations and they usually reflected certain aspects of their lives and beliefs so they gave them meaningful names. That's why many constellations are named after everyday farming objects like the Plough; or animals, like The Great Bear; or characters from Greek legend such as Orion. Although the stars seem to form patterns, this is just the way they appear when we look up at the night sky from here on Earth. The stars are all different distances away, so stars that appear to be close together in our sky may in fact be huge distances apart in the Milky Way.
What's inside
A picture book with painted tactile pictures and braille.
A collection of raised tactile pictures.
Audio descriptions with music and sound effects in your chosen format of either CD or USB.
A large print colour image pack.
Guidance notes for parents and teachers to help you make the most of using this book.
An ‘Articles for the Blind’ returns label for the free and convenient return of the box.
Touch to see image list
The Solar System Asteroids and Comets The Milky Way A Star Is Born The Sky At Night
Inside the picture book: Boy and girl sitting on a star, bed and night light Mercury the winged messenger
I really enjoyed ALL of this pack! I enjoyed using this pack because it is interesting and helped me to understand and do my school space project at home during lockdown. The level of information was just right for my age and I really enjoyed the music and sound effects - you put a lot of work in to that! Child Library Member
Star Seeker I think the whole pack was very useful and easy to understand and follow. He really enjoyed using this as it helped him to relate and follow the audio description Janine
Full of information Used to support class topic on the solar system. Very helpful as an aid to learning the names of the planets and their order. Some parts of the audio description were too detailed for the student. He particularly enjoyed the story as a leisure activity to enjoy at home. Library Member
Great as Bedtime Story Enjoyed the raised images especially the map of the planets. We have been following Tim Peak's pictures from space and the pack added to interest in space. Enjoyed having the book read just before bedtime - great for encouraging the imagination. Rose
Full of information Tied in well with the class of topic on the solar system. Stimulated further interest of the position of the planets. At times the student found the audio too much to follow. Library Member
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