Ancient Games – the history of the Olympics - Books - Living Paintings

Living Paintings

Ancient Games – the history of the Olympics

Written by Clive Gifford, Living Paintings

Suitable for: 7-11 years (Key stage 2), 11-14 years (Key stage 3)

Sponsored by: Simon Muchmore and Christine Morrell

Available braille grades:

In this fact book Clive Gifford, children’s author and Blue Peter Book Awards winner, tells us about the history of the Olympic Games, from its Ancient beginnings in Greece to the Olympic and Paralympic movement on the 20th century.
This resource is packed with factual information to support learning as well as entertaining anecdotes. This resource support subjects across the National Curriculum and would be useful as an educational resource in class. Also good for home-schooling, homework-help, project work, reading for pleasure and independent learning.
Lady Mary Peters, Olympian lends her voice.

Listen to an audio clip

Sport isn’t just about getting exercise, it helps you feel good and form friendships with teammates. I’m thrilled to introduce this touch and sound book about the ancient games. You can learn about the amazing history of the Olympic and Paralympic games. There’s lots of interesting facts and funny stories to enjoy along the way.

The very first Olympics was over 2,700 years ago in ancient Greece. Every four years in a different major city in the world thousands of the world’s best sportsmen and women gather to compete against each other. The summer Olympic Games has become the planets biggest sporting event and that’s not all. The Olympics also includes two other major events, the winter Olympics and the Paralympics for elite athletes with a disability. Over ten thousand competitors pit their skills, wits, strength, speed and fitness against each other in an attempt to become an Olympic or Paralympic champion.

What's inside

  • A collection of raised tactile pictures.
  • Audio descriptions with music and sound effects on CD, and USB if you have chosen this format. Audio description available to stream from your online account.
  • An A4 colour image pack.
  • Guidance notes for parents and teachers to help you make the most of using this book.
  • An ‘Articles for the Blind’ returns label for the free and convenient return of the box.

Touch to see image list

Tactile Picture Number 1
The Olympic Games Symbol – the five rings

Tactile Picture Number 2
Zeus and Hermes

Tactile Picture Number 3
Javelin Thrower and Prize Pot

Tactile Picture Number 4
Three Olympic Torches

Tactile Picture Number 5
Three Medals and a Crown of Olive Leaves

What our members say

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Inspired Students The students have been so inspired by what they have learned from your pictures, as many of them had no idea what skis actually looked like, and they were also surprised to learn that many 'dives' meant that the swimmer had to start by standing with his back to the pool, rather than facing it.
Interesting Topic Interesting topic, the student loved this teaching pack as he loved the information given and gets to explore the pictures.
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