
Hi, my name is Ade Adepitan, a Paralympian and TV presenter. The first time I really, um, decided that I wanted to be an Olympian or Paralympian because I didn't know about, um, Paralympians back then or an elite athlete let's say, it was when I watched the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, and I was completely blown away by just the size of the event. The, the amazing, incredible athletes. I was suddenly inspired by people like Daley Thompson. Sebastian Coe, Edwin Moses. And to see that these guys were the best in the world at what they do, it was just fantastic. I used to be so into it that when I was watching the games at home on my sofa, I’d close my eyes. And as soon as the starter gun would go off, I'd start pumping my arms and imagining that I was there with thousands of people cheering me on in the stadium. And I just wanted to be the best athlete that I could possibly be. But another reason that, and probably the real reason why I wanted to take up sport and become a great athlete is because sport made me independent. It meant that I didn't have to rely on anybody to do anything. If I wanted to go to the shops, I was fit enough to get there myself. If I wanted to go to school, if I wanted to carry stuff around, I didn't have to rely on anyone because sport made me strong and it made me confident and it made me, I was able to communicate with anybody that I wanted to communicate with. And one of the greatest things about sport is that every day you can be better than you were the day before, because when you play sport, you train and then the next day you train and you can look back and say, I did it better than I did the day before. I think that is an amazing gift. That's why I love sport.

When you're going through puberty, your body is going through massively important changes. You're growing, you're developing and therefore your eating habits need to change accordingly. You'll be using up loads of energy and will probably feel hungry most of the time. And it's a big temptation to simply satisfy this hunger with snacky sweet chocolaty, junk food, but actually this isn't what your body needs at all. You need to make sure you're eating a healthy, balanced diet to keep active and to keep looking good. A balanced diet includes all of the different major food groups, including fruit and vegetables, carbohydrates like bread rice, potatoes and pasta. You need dairy products to give you calcium and vitamin D. And these come from milk, cheese, and yogurts. You also need some fatty and sugary foods, but these you should have in moderation. Finally, protein to help build your muscles is very important too. And you get this from meat, fish, eggs, and beans.

Hi, I'm [inaudible], I'm a TV presenter, stroke actress, and a real foodie. I love my food, but I also love feeling really healthy and vital and energized. So I try and make sure that I have a healthy diet. That doesn't mean that I never have any cakes or biscuits or anything naughty cause I do. But my tip with that is to just have them occasionally and that way, um, they feel like a real treat. My other tip is to use lots of herbs and spices. Everyone knows that we need to cut down on fat. The thing is with fat, butter, oil all that sort of stuff and salt is that they're all very tasty. So if we take them out of our food, we've gotta find some way to put some of the tastes back. And I do that using fresh or dried herbs, lots of spices. Spices don't have to be hot and chilli like, you know, spices can just add a great aroma and a great punch to dishes. My other top tip is really, really to try and stay away from things that are white, white bread, white rice, white pasta, because the problem with eating them though, they taste nice enough is that they burn very quickly in the body. So quite soon afterwards, you're hungry. Whereas if you eat brown rice, brown, pasta, brown bread, it just basically keeps you fuller for longer. And actually really does taste great. A lot of people, are a bit funnier brown, brown rice, they think it's a bit like hippie and a bit sticky and a bit like glue. That's what people say to me. So my tip on that is to use basmati brown rice. And I also add a little stock to it, a little stock cube, maybe, chicken stock or vegetable stock, if you're vegetarian. And that really adds extra flavour. My other tip is eat loads and loads of vegetables, you know, and the thing is lots of people think they don't like vegetables cause they caught them very well. Don't ever boil them, steam them add a little drizzle of olive oil, maybe a zest of lemon, a little fried garlic. I never have broccoli without a bit fried garlic and a drizzle of oil. And after years of hating broccoli, I now love it. So keep things brown, lots of fruits and vegetables and keep your treats as treats. Not an everyday thing.

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