Rosie Revere Engineer
Angela Beaty
We’re delighted to announce that Rosie Revere Engineer, by Andrea Beaty and illustrated by David Roberts, is now available for blind and partially sighted children to enjoy. Our thanks go to Andrea Beaty, David Roberts and Abrams Books for their permission and donating 30 book copies, enabling us to make this book accessible for blind and partially sighted children in the UK.
A huge thank you to Angela Griffin, well-loved and award wining British actor. Angela lends her wonderful voice to the sound track, which guides the fingers over the tactile pictures and describes the creatively retro-inspired illustrations by David Roberts.
This best-selling book comes from the well-loved author and illustrator power-house Andrea Beaty and David Roberts – creators of the ‘Questioneers’ series, which Rosie Revere Engineer is part of.
Andrea Beaty and David Roberts were both pleased to hear about our adaptation of their book for blind and partially sighted children. Here’s what they had to say:
“Fantastic! Thank you so much! What a valuable service and very cool, too!” Andrea Beaty, author.
“Wow ! The details are amazing! I’m so thrilled this book is becoming part of the Living Paintings library! Thank you so much!” David Roberts, illustrator.
Rosie dreams of becoming a world class engineer. Alone in her room at night, shy Rosie constructs great inventions from bits and bobs that people have thrown away. Hot dog dispensers, helium pants, snake-repelling cheese hats. But things don’t always go to plan. Join Rosie to find out how she gets along and what she learns along the way.
This fun and engaging book for Key Stage 1 children promotes STEM subjects and offers great lessons in courage and perseverance. When Rosie’s first attempt fails her Great Great Aunt Rose reminds her:
“Life might have its failures but this is not it. The only true failure can come if you quit.”
Together Rosie and her Great Aunt go on to create the successful Heli-o-cheese Copter.
To the mainstream published book we have added our VI child friendly extras.
Angela Beaty
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