Dr Christian Jessen on healthy eating
The importance of a balanced diet for young people
When you're going through puberty, your body is going through massively important changes. You're growing, you're developing and therefore your eating habits need to change accordingly. You'll be using up loads of energy and will probably feel hungry most of the time. And it's a big temptation to simply satisfy this hunger with snacky sweet chocolaty, junk food, but actually this isn't what your body needs at all. You need to make sure you're eating a healthy, balanced diet to keep active and to keep looking good. A balanced diet includes all of the different major food groups, including fruit and vegetables, carbohydrates like bread rice, potatoes and pasta. You need dairy products to give you calcium and vitamin D. And these come from milk, cheese, and yogurts. You also need some fatty and sugary foods, but these you should have in moderation. Finally, protein to help build your muscles is very important too. And you get this from meat, fish, eggs, and beans.