Experiencing architecture in a different way
Architecture – modern and historic – can influence our behaviour, change the way we think and feel, and even inform our creativity. We have three tactile and audio books packed full of amazing architecture for you to explore – here’s a little taster to help you get inspired…
Have you ever wanted to learn more about the buildings we inhabit, move in and out of every day, walk by on the high street, or fleetingly travel past on the bus? Banks, shops, libraries, churches, schools, train stations, airports, castles and stately homes – they all perform functions but what do they look like? Some may have been built hundreds of years ago, added to over time, knocked down and re-built, built using the latest materials and technology, designed by a famous architect or sadly derelict.
Take the Custom House in Exeter which is soon to be re-opened as a tourist attraction and is included in our Brilliant Buildings Touch to See book. Our tactile and audio of the Custom House (pictured below) evocatively brings to life the hustle and bustle of life in the late 1600’s, when the building experienced a constant flow of exotic imports and exports.
Do you ever run your hands across the exterior and interior surfaces of buildings to explore the different materials and styles of design? You might feel rough brick, smooth concrete, silky glass, shiny steel and cool marble. Whilst exploring you might pick up on the feel of the architectural style, design details and decorative features.
With our tactile and audio architecture collection you can explore different styles of architecture and a diverse range of buildings, plus find out about their stories. For example, Brilliant Buildings starts you off with a tactile image all about the basics of building (pictured below) and along with the audio you can feel elements of great architecture such as columns, arches and learn about the importance of triangles to strengthen structures.
Our tactile and audio architectural guides may inspire you to learn about the buildings in your community; help you take a moment to think about how you feel as you move about different buildings; identify the materials, textures and style details of buildings. You may discover a new found interest in modern and contemporary architecture and even take on the challenge of abseiling down a famous building – all in the name of charity of course!
Borrow Architecture 1 and Architecture 2 which contain a variety of buildings and styles to explore to help you navigate the built environment. Some of the audio guides are written and read by architects, giving their personal take on a subject they are hugely passionate about.
Borrow Brilliant Buildings from our FREE library