Victorian BritainI think that this is a perfect pack for this topic. It really gave my pupil a great understanding of the Victorian eraJanine
Victorian Britain
Suitable for: 7-11 years (Key stage 2)
Sponsored by: The Ernest Cook Trust
Available braille grades:
This educational resource is designed to support History, Key Stage 2, in the National Curriculum. First we meet Queen Victoria – she tells us about her early life and marriage to Prince Albert. And then a host of Victorian characters talk about life in the country and town, the Crimean War, daily life and the many inventions and modes of transport from Victorian Britain. With the added fun of traveling back in time and meeting various Victorian people, the atmospheric experience of this resource will no doubt delight and inspire readers. This educational resource may support other subjects across the National Curriculum and is great for home-schooling, homework-help, project work and independent learning.
Listen to an audio clip
Inside this building is a cage suspended from the rope. It isn't a cage for wild animals, your majesty, it's for us miners. The cage is a lift. It's how we get to the bottom of the mineshaft. First the steam engine lowers the cage, then it winds the rope the other way and pulls the cage up. These days it's working a lot of the day, taking men and tools up and down, but when I first worked here and the pit were new, the cage only went up and down at the beginning and end of each shift. Why, that were my first job and I hated it. I were only eight years old, and my job were to sit at the bottom of the shaft, and show the miners which way to go.
What's inside
- A collection of raised tactile pictures.
- Audio descriptions with music and sound effects in your chosen format of either CD or USB.
- An A4 large print colour image pack.
- Guidance notes for parents and teachers to help you make the most of using this book.
- An ‘Articles for the Blind’ returns label for the free and convenient return of the box.
Touch to see image list
Queen Victoria & Prince Albert
Pit Wheel & Mining
Crimean Soldier, Victoria Cross, Policeman & Nurse
Penny Farthing & Hansom Cab
Narrow Boat & Steam Train
Early Car
Well dressed Victorian children & Chimney sweep
The Guildhall in Northampton
Gramophone, Camera and Telephone
Punch & Judy, Bathing Caravan,
Queen Victoria in later life
The Gleaners by Jean-François Millet, 1857
What our members say
Descriptions are excellent and draw attention to detailI have used this pack as part of a project about the Victorians. It could be used to provide a complete package of learning for the partially sighted.Library Member
Full of Interesting FactsThis pack has lots of interesting facts. Each clip is just the right length and appropriate for students. Detailed descriptions which support learning in class. The pack was used at a later date to help complete an art lesson. The class were drawing faces so my student produced a head and shoulder picture of Queen Victoria using the thermoform as a guide.Rose
FantasticLoved the environmental sounds around the stories and information. Used to support learning in the classroom when used for group reading with sighted peers. The colour images were also used to aid group discussion.Library Member
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