Suitable for: Adults
Sponsored by: The Farrer-Brown Foundation; The Mackintosh Foundation
Available braille grades:
This is a star studded collection of paintings from the great treasure house that is the National Gallery. It majestically illustrates the wide range of works on display including British and European paintings. Packed with history, wonderful views and striking portraits.
On the left of the painting is Jean de Dinteville; French Ambassador to the Court of Henry VIII. This is a man of great wealth and influence - notice his confident stance! On the right stands de Dinteville's close friend and colleague, George de Selve, Bishop of Lavaur. Although a far less flamboyant figure, de Selve is a man of some status. He's a classical scholar with considerable diplomatic skills. It is interesting to note how young these two men are - Holbein has cleverly given us their ages - de Dintevilles is on the sheath of his dagger, he's 29 and the age of the Bishop is given on the book on which his right arm rests. He is but 25.
Mr and Mrs Andrews by Gainsborough
Charles I on Horseback by Van Dyck
The Ambassadors by Holbein
The Seine at Asnieres by Renoir
Venus and Mars by Botticelli
The Fighting Temeraire by Turner
Bathers at Asnieres by Seurat
A Young Woman Standing at a Virginal by Vermeer
Woman Bathing by Rembrandt
Wilton Diptych
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