Spot can Count - Books - Living Paintings

Living Paintings

Spot can Count

Written by Eric Hill

Suitable for: 0-5 years

Sponsored by: Freemasons' Charity

Available braille grades: Grade 1,

A lift the flap book. In this classic Spot book, flaps on every page reveal an increasing number of surprises as every toddler’s favourite puppy, Spot, counts from one to ten, meeting farm animals along the way. One small mouse under some sacks is followed by two squirrels in a tree – all the way to ten cows in a barn. This book is lots of fun and full of surprises, and the perfect early learning tool for children learning to count.

Listen to an audio clip

This book is called Spot Can Count and the title and the author's name, Eric Hill, are written in big letters on the front cover.
On the front cover is a picture of Spot, he's a yellow puppy dog. He has yellow fur, two black eyes, a round black nose and a brown tipped tail. Spot is standing sideways on. He's up on his back legs and holding a big orange carrot in his front paw. He's smiling and he's almost nose to nose with a brown horse.

What's inside

  • A lift the flap picture book with raised tactile images.
  • Audio descriptions with music and sound effects in your chosen format of either CD or USB.
  • An ‘Articles for the Blind’ returns label for the free and convenient return of the box.

Touch to see image list

Pig noses
Rabbit tails
Sheep tails

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Impressed ... I can't wait to use the book. Library Member
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