Introduction to Living Paintings - Books - Living Paintings

Living Paintings

Introduction to Living Paintings

Suitable for: Adults

Sponsored by: The Kreitman Foundation

Available braille grades:

This is the perfect first borrow for all new adult library members, as it introduces you to the Living Paintings system of tactile images and accompanying audio guide. First we explore colour theory, then perspective, before enjoying one of our members best-loved paintings – Sunflowers by van Gogh. And then we meander into a woodland habitat in search of a tawny owl – and we are not disappointed!

Listen to an audio clip

One of the most taxing things for an artist to achieve is to give to the viewer a sense of distance in a painting. He or she is faced with the dilemma of creating on a flat surface (which shows width and height), the impression of depth. We are going to show you step by step how this trick or illusion is achieved in a landscape, and at the same time demonstrate how a picture is built up. Move your fingers into the picture to the right and you will feel an undulating line which runs across the diagram - it is the horizon. This is where land, or perhaps the sea, appears to meet the sky. Of course in many paintings this line is broken up, so we have placed a tree on it to demonstrate this.

What's inside

  • A collection of raised tactile pictures.
  • Audio descriptions with music and sound effects in your chosen format of either CD or USB.
  • An A4 large print colour image pack or postcard pack.
  • An ‘Articles for the Blind’ returns label for the free and convenient return of the box.

Touch to see image list

The Art of Perspective
The Art of Colour
Sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh
Woodland Habitat and Tawny Owl

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Discovery zone

A decorative horizontal divider
A decorative horizontal divider
A mobile phone sitting on a wooden table top and wrapped in earphones displays the Living Paintings website.


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