Home Front Memories (Adult Touch to See Club) - Books - Living Paintings

Living Paintings

Home Front Memories (Adult Touch to See Club)

Suitable for: Touch to See Book Clubs

Sponsored by: Masonic Charitable Foundation

Available braille grades:

A chance of re-kindle memories, in particular what it was like for young people living in wartime Britain and the activities of men and women supporting the war effort on the home front.

Listen to an audio clip

The Home Guard was largely made up of men past the age of conscription, but also younger men who were not able to join the armed forces for some reason. Some, like me, were in Reserved Occupations, which were jobs the Government felt were too vital to pass on to unskilled men.
It was our job to defend Great Britain should the unthinkable happen: our country being invaded by an enemy army. We also had to be on the look-out for spies or anything else that didn't look quite right. You may remember the poster that said "careless talk costs lives" and we took this very seriously. You never knew who might be listening or what they might be able to do with a snippet of information they overheard.
Another part of our job was to keep a close watch when German planes were flying over our area.

What's inside

  • 10 copies of two or three raised tactile images.
  • Audio descriptions with music and sound effects in your chosen format of either CD or USB.
  • An A4 large print colour image pack, containing 10 copies of each topic.
  • Guidance Notes, for Book Club leaders, to help you make the most of using this book.
  • An ‘Articles for the Blind’ returns label for the free and convenient return of the box.

Touch to see image list

Winston Churchill
Home Guard and Land Girl

What our members say

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Best Ever Being an elderly group this proved to be the best ever for us. It provoked many variable memories from unexpected sources. The documentary was excellent and greatly appreciated by us all Library Member
Really got residents talking For our residents ages, this was perfect. They loved it! It really got the residents talking and sharing memories. We did activities around music, song, reminiscing, photographs and old packs of WWII memories. Library Member
Loved this book The residents had a lovely time with this activity. We really enjoyed reminiscing and thinking about their memories from this time. We enjoyed sharing stories and even joined in singing some old songs. Philia Lodge Residential Home
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