Roar of the Wild - Books - Living Paintings

Living Paintings

Roar of the Wild (Adult Touch to See Club)

Suitable for: Touch to See Book Clubs

Sponsored by: People's Postcode Lottery

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A sensory exploration of animals in art from carvings in pre-historic caves, woodblock prints, loosely sketched at London Zoo and in porcelain

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Today we will take a walk on the wild side. We will have a sensory exploration of animals in art, from carvings in pre-historic caves. Wood block prints loosely sketched at London Zoo, and in porcelain.
Our first stop is in France, in the Dordogne region. The Lascaux caves were discovered in 1940 by some boys trying to rescue their dog which had fallen into a foxhole. Imagine their surprise on finding this treasure trove of pre-historic art.
Our next tactile picture has two representations of the same animal --- a rhinoceros. The first is by Albrecht Durer and is very much a work of his imagination, as he had never seen one. Henry Moore, on the other hand, worked from life, before a rhino at London Zoo, and the tactile shows us one of his sketches drawn with a humble black ballpoint pen.
We hope you enjoy the animals and the various ways the artists have chosen to depict them. Which one is your favourite?

What's inside

  • 10 copies of two or three raised tactile images.
  • Audio descriptions with music and sound effects in your chosen format of either CD or USB.
  • Coloured picture book of the raised images. Guidance Notes to help you make the most of using this book.
  • An ‘Articles for the Blind’ returns label for the free and convenient return of the box.

Touch to see image list

Lascaux Cave Paintings – Horse and Bison
Rhinoceros Woodcut by Albrecht Durer and Ballpoint pen and Charcoal drawing by Henry Moore
Meissen Lion

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Discovery zone

A decorative horizontal divider
A decorative horizontal divider
A mobile phone sitting on a wooden table top and wrapped in earphones displays the Living Paintings website.


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