British Wildflowers - Books - Living Paintings

Living Paintings

British Wildflowers

Suitable for: Adults

Sponsored by: Alison Oldland Memorial Fund

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In this collection we have rambles with wild flowers! Using the theme of a walk in the countryside, we visit four different locations around the country, each with different habitats: Hedgerows, Woodland, Rivers, Lakes and Streams, Fields and Meadows and Seashore and Moorland. There are three wild flowers from each habitat depicted on the tactile images. The scriptwriters have described the lovely scenery of their walks as well as the flowers they discovered. This collection is dedicated to our founder, Alison Oldland. We hope she would approve of our efforts!

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On the thermoform are three of our common hedgerow climbing plants, the beautiful scented, sinewy honeysuckle, the gentle and delicately flowered dog rose and the thrusting blackberry. In this day and age of severe mechanical cutting back I'm afraid at least two of them, the honeysuckle and dog rose, are more difficult to find. They love un-kempt hedges, especially along under-used country lanes where hedgerows, saplings and plants grow in glorious profusion and these climbing plants can run riot. Here they're not under regular attack, apart from the winter cut, and are able to fulfil their yearly cycle. The blackberry on the other hand is a real bully-boy of a plant with enormous energy and determination. It is well protected by its devilish thorns and has a riotous time in suburbanised hedgerows.

What's inside

  • A collection of raised tactile pictures.
  • Audio descriptions with music and sound effects in your chosen format of either CD or USB.
  • An A4 large print colour image pack or postcard pack.
  • An ‘Articles for the Blind’ returns label for the free and convenient return of the box.

Touch to see image list

Anatomy of a Flower: Meadow Cranesbill
Hedgerows: Dog Rose, Honeysuckle, Blackberry
Woodland: Bluebell, Primrose, Foxglove
Fields and Meadows: Field Scabious, Field Poppy, Spear Thistle
Rivers, Lakes and Streams: Yellow Flag Iris, Great Willowherb, Yellow Water-lily
Seashore and Moorlands: Thrift, Gorse, Heather

What our members say

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Perfect for our needs This album was perfect for assisting with our art activities with for our two art groups for the visually impaired and sighted. The poppies were invaluable to our WW1 commemoration exhibition and We used the thermoforms as inspiration for our painting studies. KAB Gravesend Art Group
Much enjoyed I very much enjoyed both the descriptions of the individual flowers, and the very evocative descriptions of the natural world, beautifully read as usual. Library Member
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