Curtain Up- let Degas and Renoir take you to the theatre! Enjoy ballet and opera, show off in your best evening wear and size-up the other people in the audience. A brilliant insight into life on and off stage in the Parisian footlights.
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In the world of the theatre, to take a box was to show that one was privileged. It was expensive and only seated a few people. Sometimes, as in this painting, it was reserved for just two people. A further privilege was to be able to withdraw to the back of the box where they had complete privacy; or to sit at the front and see and be seen by the audience. In this painting Renoir portrays a man and a woman sitting in their box. The young woman sits in front with her hand, in which she is holding her opera glasses, resting on the plush covered ledge at the front of the box. She is looking out at the viewer of the painting, not down at the stage. Her escort is a bearded gentleman in full evening dress sitting further back in the shadows.
What's inside
10 copies of two or three raised tactile images.
Audio descriptions with music and sound effects in your chosen format of either CD or USB.
Coloured picture book of the raised images. Guidance Notes to help you make the most of using this book.
An ‘Articles for the Blind’ returns label for the free and convenient return of the box.
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Two Dancers on a Stage by Edgar Degas La Loge by Pierre August Renoir
A chance to re-live positive moments related to visiting the theatre and feel its atmosphere The subject of theatre is good to discuss as everyone usually has some positive memories related to it. These two paintings transport the listeners to the world of the theatre. They give the chance to re-live positive moments related to visiting the theatre and feel its atmosphere. The subject of theatre is good to discuss as everyone usually has some positive memories related to it. I found the guidance notes very useful as they provide ideas for discussion and help make sessions more versatile. We discussed the members' experience of visiting the theatre and their favourite ballets. Library Member
Beautiful paintings and beautifully made thermoforms. Lovely narration/story telling with enjoyable music. It was a lovely experience listening, talking and sharing. We had a great fun with these 2 paintings. We loved 2 dancers on a stage by Edward Degas and La Loge by Renoir. The paintings conveyed the excitement, beauty and sadness of theatre life. We enjoyed hearing about both audiences and performers experiences in Paris during the 19th Century. The guidance notes were very useful indeed! We tried out the dance movements in the first painting. I would recommend this book to other groups. Thank you Living Paintings! Library Member
Really good and content is most interesting Would recommend - the resources are really good and content is most interesting for everyone - not only for those with visual impairments. Rose
Great experience listening, talking and sharing Beautiful paintings, beautifully made thermoforms lovely narration/story telling with beautiful music. Great experience listening, talking and sharing. We had great fun with these 2 paintings. We loved 2 dancers on a stage by Edward Degas and La Loge by Renoir. The paintings conveyed the excitement beauty and sadness of the theatre life. Both audiences and performers - experienced in Paris in the 19th Century. The guidance notes were very useful indeed! We tried out the dance movements in the first painting. We love art and architecture. Library Member
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