Books about the environment for blind children and young people

Multi-sensory autumn activities and books

The Wonderful World of David Walliams
David Walliams lends his voice to our Touch to See adaptation of his best-selling books
My name’s David Walliams. This tactile and audio book brings to life characters from some of my children’s stories. These stories are written about very ordinary children. But, where the ordinary collides with the extraordinary, it leads to the most amazing adventure of their lives! Where good overcomes evil and, dare I say, where sometimes evil overcomes good.
‘Mr Stink stank. He also stunk. And if it is correct English to say he stinked, then he stinked as well. He was the stinkiest stinky stinker who ever lived.’ ‘His beard was full of old bits of egg and sausage and cheese that had fallen out of his mouth years before. It had never been shampooed so it had its own special stink, even worse than his main one.’
This is the tale of a twelve year old boy called Jack and his beloved Grandpa. Grandpa was once an RAF Pilot in World War II and used to take Jack on wonderful trips into London to visit the Imperial War Museum. On their way back, Grandpa would reminisce about the war. Jack loved hearing the stories about Grandpa’s escapades during the war and together they would re-enact them.
* Sound effect, spitfire taking off
‘In his dreams, Jack would go up, up and away, just like his grandfather had. The boy would have given everything he had, all of his past and all of his future, for one moment behind the controls of Grandpa’s legendary Spitfire.’
Twelve year old, Ben stays at his Granny’s house every Friday night, whilst his parents have their weekly night out. He thinks that she is the world’s most boring granny. All she wants to do is play scrabble and eat cabbage soup. She is very much like your textbook granny:
Thick glasses
White hair
Hearing aid
False teeth
And what’s that smell? Eugh she reaks of cabbage!