Corrie Brown chats her about her VI and visiting galleries
Channel 4 broadcaster talks about accessibility in museums and galleries
Hi, I'm Corie and I work in the media and creative industry in London. Being in London means I'm rather spoiled for choice when it comes to art and cultural events, there's a lot going on. And the great thing is most of it is free. One exhibition that I've come to enjoy every year is the design awards which showcases amazing innovation in a host of categories, from technology to architecture and fashion. It's hard to go and not feel utterly inspired, and I would recommend it to anybody I'm visually impaired. So I prefer to visit galleries and exhibitions with friends who I know will just make the experience more enriching by describing things that I can't see or pointing things out that I might not have noticed. But I have also found in recent years that technology has really started to enhance my experience in these spaces. Um, some galleries have their own apps with detailed descriptions of certain exhibitions, and I've also started to use a text to speech scanning app on my phone, to read information boards in galleries. And I've found that this has made a massive difference to the way in which I can enjoy these spaces. And I think this sort of assistive technology will only get better and it makes me feel very, very excited about what the future might bring.