Allegra McEvedy on Essential Cooking Tools for Fish
Top chef, restaurateur and food writer talks fish
Hi, my name's is Allegra McEvedy. I am a chef food writer, sometimes tele person, and I am fanatical about fish. Most of the year, you'll be cooking your fish indoors, and there are two bits of kit. I find absolutely indispensable for that, the first one I call my special flipper. Right. And it's just somewhere between a cake slice and a pallet knife. So it's about kind of five centimetres wide and probably about 10 centimetres long, um, and not solid it's, um, kind of got slats on it and yeah, it's extremely useful for fish because when you put fish in there pan quite often, um, skin the contracts and it will try to curl up. So if you just gently put your special flipper on top of it and press it down that way, you'll get a nice flat fillet of fish. The second thing you'll need is a really good pan and it is worth investing in a few quid in one, go for something very heavy, the heavier, the better when it comes to cooking fish, because they conduct heat in a more even way. Ideally, it'll be a cast iron skillet, and that's really heavy, but it gives you a bit of a workout too.