A guide to painting with a visual impairment - Discovery zone - Living Paintings

Living Paintings

A guide to painting with a visual impairment

Retired art teacher, Ian Reynolds

Paintingwithsightloss.com is a website designed to provide simple practical advice for a person with a visual impairment who wants to take up drawing and painting or someone wishing to start an art group for people with visual impairment.

A group of smiling people sat around a big table full of art materials.

It may seem that the two elements, painting and visual impairment don’t really go together. But, over many years I have witnessed first hand how much pleasure and sense of satisfaction has been achieved by people whose sight is severely impaired especially those who have had to come to terms with sight loss in later life.

The story starts with my own situation. I went to art college even though my sight was poor. It gradually got worse but the painting process was in my blood and I was determined to carry on expressing myself in paint. Imagine my surprise to discover that others were just as excited by the activity as I am. That children and adults of all ages became just as engaged as fully sighted artists after some minor modifications to the activity.

A coastal painting by Ian Reynolds

Mediterranean buildings by the sea painting by Ian Reynolds

Do take a look at what Ian Reynolds and other visually impaired artists have achieved by visiting the website:


A mobile phone sitting on a wooden table top and wrapped in earphones displays the Living Paintings website.


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