The Works of Monet - Books - Living Paintings

Living Paintings

The Works of Monet

Suitable for: Adults

Sponsored by: The Digital Charitable Society

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In this dazzling collection we take you on a journey through the life and work of Claude Monet, starting with his days as a pioneering young man determined to portray his subject as he saw it. We cover his time spent travelling and depicting the landscapes he discovered, through to his later life where we explore his passion for his garden in Giverny and some of the celebrated work it inspired.

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As the name would suggest, the scene is of a Japanese style bridge spanning a water lily pond in the midst of a beautiful garden. It was Monet's own garden in Giverny, which is 80 km North-west of Paris. A real Japanese bridge is usually made of dark wood but this one is painted in light green, blue and white so that it blends very softly with the whole of the picture. What about exploring the thermoform to locate the bridge? This description is very detailed, but the bridge is a very simple structure arching across the canvas. Start at the top right hand corner and move 1/4 of the way down, the first projection you come to is a curved bar crossing the picture, it represents the handrail of the bridge.

What's inside

  • A collection of raised tactile pictures.
  • Audio descriptions with music and sound effects in your chosen format of either CD or USB.
  • An A4 large print colour image pack or postcard pack.
  • An ‘Articles for the Blind’ returns label for the free and convenient return of the box.

Touch to see image list

The Magpie by Monet
Woman with Parasol by Monet
La Gare St Lazare by Monet
Church at Vetheuil by Monet
Poplars (Summer) by Monet
Grainstacks by Monet
Petite Creuse by Monet
The Lily Pond by Monet
La Parisienne by Renoir
Kitchen Garden at The Hermitage by Pissarro

What our members say

A decorative horizontal divider
A wonderful selection of paintings As usual the atmosphere is created so well and the time is given with a feeling of the period. Library Member
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