Clean Up!
Nathan Bryon
Written by Julia Donaldson
Illustrated by Axel Scheffler
Suitable for: 0-5 years, 5-7 years (Key stage 1)
Sponsored by: The Mackintosh Foundation
Available braille grades: Grade 1, Grade 2
“Stick Man lives in the family tree with his Stick Lady Love and their stick children three.” But it’s dangerous being a Stick Man. A dog wants to play with him, a swan builds her nest with him. He even ends up on a fire! Will Stick Man ever get back to the family tree?
Stick Man is a daddy stick who lives in a tree with his stick family, but ends up going on a bit of an accidental adventure. The picture shows a wintery day with snow on the ground and bright blue sky. There are two trees, so tall that only their lower branches are in the picture. Lots of animals are in and around the trees - a friendly looking brown rabbit, a bushy-tailed squirrel, a blue and red bird, a smiling red fox, a blackbird and a brown dog with a blue collar and floppy ears.
Now trace left and stroke his sturdy brown body and white tummy. Above his back legs is his thick, furry tail - follow its curved shape up. This dog looks very happy and is probably lots of fun to play with! SFX - FRIENDLY BARK
In the final picture the family of swans swim away to the left, leaving white, broken egg shells in the nest, where Stick Man is trying to sit up.
Now Stick Man has had a string attached to him at either end and is being held up by a girl wearing a fringed jacket and feathers in her hair. Poor Stick Man has his eyes closed as the girl bends him backwards to fire an arrow!
Then he's being used by a boy wearing a green jumper and stripy scarf to hit a white ball. Ouch, that is going to hurt! SFX SOUND OF BAT HITTING BALL HARD Stick Man's four leaves have turned brown and autumn leaves are falling from the trees.
Stick man, snail and dog
Family with sand castle
Stick family
Santa and stickman on sleigh with reindeer
Nathan Bryon
Helen Peacock
Tom Percival
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