Stepping Stones in the History of Western Art - Books

Living Paintings

Stepping Stones in the History of Western Art

Suitable for: Adults

Sponsored by: The Kreitman Foundation

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This collection will take you on a fascinating journey across three and a half thousand years. From a mural discovered in the dark depths of an Egyptian tomb, a painting of a woman with a beguiling smile, and a mysterious modern object on display at the Tate Gallery in London. There are many more treasures and stories to discover along the way.

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The Auxerre Goddess does not have very much room for brains! She has rather beautifully curved eyebrows, and underneath are large almond shaped eyes, with carefully carved upper and lower lids. Her nose is now broken off, and difficult to make out, but reconstructions show that it would have been very long and straight, and somewhat pointed at the end. Her lips are quite full, especially the lower one, and her mouth is drawn upwards slightly at the corners, in what is known as an 'archaic smile'. This was an attempt to give a feeling of life to the figure, which was common in sculptures of the time. It is too small a detail to distinguish on the thermoform. She wears a short, close fitting cape over her shoulders that you can feel that it comes almost to her elbow on the left, and down the length of her arm on the right.

What's inside

  • A collection of raised tactile pictures.
  • Audio descriptions with music and sound effects in your chosen format of either CD or USB.
  • An A4 large print colour image pack or postcard pack.
  • An ‘Articles for the Blind’ returns label for the free and convenient return of the box.

Touch to see image list

Fowling in the Marshes – Egyptian Tomb Painting
The Auxerre Venus and the Venus de Milo – Statues
Initial ‘B’ from the Peterborough Psalter – Book Illumination on Vellum
The Virgin and the Child – by Masaccio
The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli
The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci
Samson and Delilah (plus detail) by Peter Paul Rubens
The Oath of Horatii by Jaques Louis David
The Shipwreck by J.M.W. Turner
The Gleaners by Jean-Francois Millet
The Bride Stipped Bare by her Bachelors by Marcel Duchamp and Richard Hamilton

What our members say

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An exciting and wonderful journey I particularly enjoyed learning how art progressed from the varied and beautiful examples you have included in this album. Library Member
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