Excellent, age appropriateIt's an excellent resource, very interesting for our pupil and us (2TAs).Library Member

Suitable for: 7-11 years (Key stage 2), 11-14 years (Key stage 3)
Sponsored by: GlaxoSmithKline
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This fact book explores scientific subjects which have been depicted in art. Topics include the human body, volcanic eruptions, scientific discoveries, famous scientists and more. There are drawings, paintings, a photograph and a sculpture to explore. A great combining of art and science topics. This fact book may support subjects in the National Curriculum and be used as an educational resource in class. Also good for home-schooling, homework-help, project work, independent learning and reading for pleasure.
Artists have always been very interested in studying the human body, inside and out, and they still are. By really getting to know the body, it helps them recreate people in their Art. Often their pictures or statues can remind us that we only have one life and one body and we should make the most of them. Damien Hirst wanted this statue to be very grand. It is 20 feet tall and weighs 10 tons. It is made of a metal called bronze which has been painted. It is designed to stand outside so that the rain and wind will peel off the paint over time. In this way the bronze man underneath will have a life span like we do.
The babe in the womb by Leonardo da Vinci
The Helicopter by Leonard da Vinci
Sir Isaac Newton
Anatomy of the Horse by George Stubbs
Vesuvius in Eruption
Montgolfier Brother’s Balloon
Marie Curie
Albert Einstein by Jacob Epstein
Hymn by Damien Hirst
Excellent, age appropriateIt's an excellent resource, very interesting for our pupil and us (2TAs).Library Member
The Living Paintings
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