Misery Moo - Books - Living Paintings

Living Paintings

Misery Moo

Written by Jeanne Willis
Illustrated by Tony Ross

Suitable for: 0-5 years, 5-7 years (Key stage 1)

Sponsored by: Lifeline 4 Kids

Available braille grades: Grade 1, Grade 2

There was once a cow who was miserable, and a lamb who was always trying to cheer her up. But she was impossible to cheer up! The poor lamb burst into tears, and wallowed in misery himself. Finally the cow missed him and gave him the best birthday present ever – a great big grin.

Listen to an audio clip

Hello, my name is Mackenzie and I'm going to share a very funny book with you. It's written by Jeanne Willis and illustrated by Tony Ross.
It's got a sad title Misery Moo, but it ends up happily ever after.
On the cover is a picture of a miserable black and white cow standing under a grey cloud and being drenched with rain. You can read the title in Braille.
Let's find out what's going on.
Turn over the cover to find the first feely picture. It's of the picture on the front cover - the cow standing underneath a grey rain cloud. Feel all over it. The cloud is at the top of the picture, and coloured in shades of grey. Can you feel raindrops falling from it in short, straight lines? Underneath the cloud find the cow. Her head is on the left, but she has turned her face to look at us, she's a picture of misery. Can you find her down-turned horns at the top of her head, either side of a short spiky patch of black fur? Then below and either side are her droopy ears. In between her ears are her round eyes, with raised eyebrows above and grey bags underneath. Further down is her grey nose and then the down curve of her sad mouth. Oh dear!

What's inside

  • A picture book with braille pages and raised tactile images.
  • Audio descriptions with music and sound effects in your chosen format of either CD or USB.
  • An ‘Articles for the Blind’ returns label for the free and convenient return of the box.

Touch to see image list

Rain cloud and Misery Moo (cow)
Shivering Misery Moo (cow) and Lamby Poo (lamb) in a puddle
Dancing Misery Moo and two ducks

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