Suitable for: Touch to See Book Clubs
Sponsored by: May and Stanley Smith Charitable Trust
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The French call love at first sight un coup de foudre – a lightning strike. Enjoy the simmering passion of Jacob and Rachel and the tactile ardor of Brancusi’s The Kiss. Be struck by the power of love.
The figures face each other in an embrace. The female figure is on the left of the thermoform and the man is on the right. Start at the top, in the middle there is a dip where their lover's heads meet. Trace left and right to feel their hair, simply carved as channels cut into the stone. Return to the top middle and trace down. First you will come to their eyes, again the figures are in profile and we can feel the eyes as half circles on the thermoform. The figure of the man, on the right, appears to have a bigger eye than his lover. Further below, their lips meet in the kiss, which again is carved very simply as half circles.
The Meeting of Jacob and Rachel painted by William Dyce in 1853-57
The Kiss sculpture by Constantin Brancusi in 1908
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