Lynley Dodd
Written by Oliver Jeffers
Illustrated by Oliver Jeffers
Suitable for: 0-5 years, 5-7 years (Key stage 1)
Sponsored by: The Sandra Charitable Trust
Available braille grades: Grade 1, Grade 2
From the rising star of children’s picture books comes the magical tale of friendship and loneliness, a boy and a penguin.
There once was a boy… and one day a penguin arrives on his doorstep. The boy decides the penguin must be lost and tries to return him. But no one seems to be missing a penguin. So the boy decides to take the penguin home himself, and they set out in his row boat on a journey to the South Pole.
But when they get there, the boy discovers that maybe home wasn’t what the penguin was looking for after all…
When you've finished exploring the cute penguin move your fingers right to find a long straight, brown pole. (Pause) This is the handle of the umbrella. Trace up it, over three lines which are the boy's fingers holding on tightly. (Short Pause) Keep going to where the handle curves over at the top. Here, hanging down, you'll find a little straight piece of string with a tag at the end. (Pause) Trace back down the handle. (Short Pause) Remember, the umbrella is upside down so that they can float in it. About halfway down, just below his fingers, move right along the boy's arm to his body. (Pause) He's wearing a red and white stripy jumper.
Boy & Penguin in Umbrella
Boy & Penguin in Boat in Stormy Sea
Iceberg, Whale, Boy & Penguin
Lynley Dodd
Aaron Becker
Ludwig Bemelmans
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