Rainbow Bird
Eric Maddern
Written by Ian Whybrow
Illustrated by Adrian Reynolds
Suitable for: 0-5 years, 5-7 years (Key stage 1)
Sponsored by: Leathersellers Company
Available braille grades: Grade 1, Grade 2
Harry is back in this sequel to Harry and the Snow King. When helping his Gran tidy up the attic, Harry finds a bucketful of dinosaurs and carries them everywhere. Upon losing them he has a hard time proving they’re his when he finally finds them!
Harry's there on the front cover of the book, stumping along a country lane, carrying this huge bucket he can hardly see over the top of it. There are two dinosaurs sitting in the bucket, another in his pocket, and a couple more on the ground by Harry's feet. I have to say they're little dinosaurs, not the great big huge things that really used to exist all those millions of years ago. These ones are pet dinosaurs, like small dogs.
Turn over the cover, and you'll come to your first feely picture. The shape on the left is pretty easy it's Harry. He's got a completely round head, with just a tuft of hair sticking up at the top, and two handles for ears, sticking out at the sides of his head.
Boy in jeans in t-shirt (Harry) & Dinosaur in a bucket
Triceratops, Tyrannosaurus & scelidosaurus
Eric Maddern
Rhonda and David Armitage
Jeanne Willis
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