Don’t Forget the Bacon!
Written by Pat Hutchins
Suitable for: 0-5 years
Sponsored by: The Digital Charitable Society
Available braille grades: Grade 1, Grade 2
A fun and clever story about a boy’s struggle to remember a shopping list. The story uses humorous rhyming, but will all the shopping get done?
Listen to an audio clip
In the "feely picture" on the right, the little boy and his dog are trotting along very purposefully - they're going to get everything Mummy wants and they're definitely not going to forget the bacon. Spread your fingers all over the feely picture and you'll find a larger shape on the right, and a smaller one on the left.
Let's go to the larger one first. Do you know what it is? Yes, of course, it's the little boy, sideways on, trotting off to the right of the picture. Let's start at the top, at his head. He's got bright yellow hair, the type of hair that sticks up at the front no matter how hard you try to brush it down. You should be able to feel the spikes, to the right of the smoother hair that follows the shape of his head.
What's inside
- A picture book with braille pages and raised tactile images.
- Audio descriptions with music and sound effects in your chosen format of either CD or USB.
- An ‘Articles for the Blind’ returns label for the free and convenient return of the box.
Touch to see image list
Boy and Dog
Food & Basket