Art History - Claude Monet - Books - Living Paintings

Living Paintings

Art History – Claude Monet

Written by Laurence Anholt

Suitable for: 5-7 years (Key stage 1), 7-11 years (Key stage 2), 11-14 years (Key stage 3), Teachers

Sponsored by: D'Oyly Carte Charitable Trust

Available braille grades: Grade 1, Grade 2

This educational resource fact book, plus story is designed to provide access to a selection of works by the French Impressionist artist Claude Monet. Gentle audio guides describe Monet’s much loved Haystacks, Poplars and the Japanese Bridge in his garden. This resource may support subjects across the National Curriculum and is great for home-schooling, homework-help, project work, independent learning and reading for pleasure.

It also includes the picture book The Magical Garden of Claude Monet by Laurnce Anholt: When Julie’s dog disappears into a mysterious garden, Julie follows him – and finds herself in a beautiful garden-within-a-garden where the roses grow like splashes of paint and a Japanese bridge bows over a silent pool. There she finds not only her dog, but also Claude Monet. The famous artist introduces her to his work and his garden.

Listen to an audio clip

On the cover of the book is an illustration of Monet rowing Julie and her greyhound dog Louey in a pea green coloured boat across the waterlily pond in Monet's garden at Girverny. On the banks of the waterlily pond, are tall leafy green trees and grasses in which flowers of many colours grow. In the top right hand corner blue sky appears through the leaves. Monet, rowing the boat and holding an oar in each hand, is wearing a light coloured comfortable garden suit and big brimmed straw hat. He has a wonderful long curling beard. Julie is holding on tightly to Louey who is standing up with his front paws resting on the side of the boat.

What's inside

  • A picture book with painted tactile pictures and braille.
  • A collection of raised tactile pictures.
  • Audio descriptions with music and sound effects in your chosen format of either CD or USB.
  • An A4 large print colour image pack or postcard pack.
  • Guidance notes for parents and teachers to help you make the most of using this book.
  • An ‘Articles for the Blind’ returns label for the free and convenient return of the box.

Touch to see image list

The Water-Lily Pond, Japanese Bridge
Waterlillies & Agapanthus
Poplars on the River Epte, Summer

In the picture book:
Woman & child
Dog, flower & steam train

What our members say

A decorative horizontal divider
Claude Monet It was so delightfully described and you can feel such comfort from the paintings. Janine
Enjoyed the multisensory access The pack was excellent as a supportive resource to our Monet project. The students were able to use the multisensory qualities depending on their individual needs. Library Member
A decorative horizontal divider

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A decorative horizontal divider
A decorative horizontal divider
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