Images of Weather - Books - Living Paintings

Living Paintings

Images of Weather

Suitable for: 7-11 years (Key stage 2), 11-14 years (Key stage 3)

Sponsored by: GlaxoSmithKline

Available braille grades:

This fact book describes the various aspects of the weather including the Ice Age, changing seasons, weather research and extreme weather conditions. We hear from a hilltop farmer and the captain of an oil tanker, a mountain guide, a meteorologist, a storm chaser and a scientist working at the Halley V research station in the Arctic. Finally we hear from a modern wind farm manager and her great, great grandfather, a miller in the 19th century. This resource may support subjects in the National Curriculum and is great as an educational resource in class. Also good for home-schooling, homework-help, project work, independent learning and reading for pleasure.

Listen to an audio clip

It's my job to track, record and monitor extreme weather conditions such as thunderstorms, tornadoes and hurricanes. I've seen my truck carried away by a tornado, my shed destroyed by hailstone, and don't believe the saying 'lightning never strikes the same place twice' as my house has been struck at least twice. I've been chasing storms all over the world for over 20 years but I spend most of my time analysing and experiencing the incredible storms in Tornado Alley, right here on the Great Plains of the USA. Today we are going to experience a Tornado storm firsthand, at least from the inside of this van where I keep all my weather tracking instruments. Can you hear the rain on the roof and the thunder crashing in the distance? Thunder is the sound that accompanies lightning - the storm must be getting closer. You can tell when a thunderstorm is about to happen because tall storm clouds gather and the sky becomes very dark.

What's inside

  • A collection of raised tactile pictures.
  • Audio descriptions with music and sound effects in your chosen format of either CD or USB.
  • A large print colour image pack.
  • Guidance notes for parents and teachers to help you make the most of using this book.
  • An ‘Articles for the Blind’ returns label for the free and convenient return of the box.

Touch to see image list

Trees showing the seasons
The Water Cycle
Coastal Weather
Cliff Erosion
Mountain Weather
Woolly Mammoth, Reindeer, Woolly rhinoceros, African Bison
Masai Warrior with wildebeast & acacia tree
lightning & Tornado
Hurricane Satellite Picture
Weather research aeroplane
Halley 5
Windmill & wind turbine

What our members say

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Informative pack The student especially enjoyed feeling the tree through the seasons. The pack was useful for general class discussions about weather and the effects of floods. The language and vocabulary is more for upper KS 2. Library Member
Thrilled I was thrilled when I found the water cycle section as great asset to student. Library Member
Excellent Excellent pack - enabled student to engage in learning with her sighted peers in a meaningful way. Student especially enjoyed exploring the thermoforms. Rose
Excellent This pack is very interesting and well explained. The child I work with was fascinated by the water cycle and felt a rainbow for the first time! The whole pack was very educational and interesting for her. She said she would be so happy to receive this pack again in the future. Library Member
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